My very first book, "Crochet Wraps Every Which Way" is now available! If you took advantage of the pre-order, you probably already have the book in your hands! Please stop by my Facebook page Hot Lava Crochet and let me know what you think! I always love seeing pictures when you make one of my designs so be sure to post on my page! If you want a sneak peak of all the designs, you can check them out here. There is also a blog tour going on for the entire month of July! Check my Facebook page every day to follow the stops. There are a lot of great people that I am so thankful to that will be reviewing my book and some of them are having giveaways.
On December 20, just 5 days before Christmas (who does that??!!), we purchased a beautiful, old Southern home. She needs some work so we've been spending a lot of time over there bringing back her original beauty and charm. We have name her "Isabella Manor" and we just love her!!!
And my new office that I am so excited to work in!
As many of you know, I began a nutritional cleansing program at the end of July last year. It has been the most incredible journey and my life has undergone a complete transformation! So far, I have lost 44 pounds but it feels like even more because this program helps to build lean muscle mass. I have so much energy that I feel like I'm in my twenties again! In case you missed my latest picture on Facebook, I will post it below. Please contact me if you are interested in giving it a try! I would LOVE for everyone to feel as great as I do and nothing would bring me greater joy than to help you achieve it!
I wish you all a very Happy New Year filled with much happiness and health and dreams that come true!